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Texas TEKS Math 5
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(Random) (2.A) Number and operations. Represent the value of the digit in decimals through the thousandths using expanded notation and numerals;

(Random) (2.B) Number and operations. Compare and order two decimals to thousandths and represent comparisons using the symbols >, <, or =; (Random) (2.C) Number and operations. Round decimals to tenths or hundredths. (Random) (3.A) Number and operations. Estimate to determine solutions to mathematical and real-world problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division; (Random) (3.B) Number and operations. Multiply with fluency a three-digit number by a two-digit number using the standard algorithm; (Random) (3.C) Number and operations. Solve with proficiency for quotients of up to a four-digit dividend by a two-digit divisor using strategies and the standard algorithm; (Random) (3.D) Number and operations. Represent multiplication of decimals with products to the hundredths using objects and pictorial models, including area models; (Random) (3.E) Number and operations. Solve for products of decimals to the hundredths, including situations involving money, using strategies based on place-value understandings, properties of operations, and the relationship to the multiplication of whole numbers; (Random) (3.F) Number and operations. Represent quotients of decimals to the hundredths, up to four-digit dividends and two-digit whole number divisors, using objects and pictorial models, including area models; (Random) (3.G) Number and operations. Solve for quotients of decimals to the hundredths, up to four-digit dividends and two-digit whole number divisors, using strategies and algorithms, including the standard algorithm; (Random) (3.H) Number and operations. Represent and solve addition and subtraction of fractions with unequal denominators referring to the same whole using objects and pictorial models and properties of operations; (Random) (3.I) Number and operations. Represent and solve multiplication of a whole number and a fraction that refers to the same whole using objects and pictorial models, including area models; (Random) (3.J) Number and operations. Represent division of a unit fraction by a whole number and the division of a whole number by a unit fraction such as 1/3 ÷ 7 and 7 ÷ 3 using objects and pictorial models, including area models; (Random) (3.K) Number and operations. Add and subtract positive rational numbers fluently; (Random) (3.L) Number and operations. Divide whole numbers by unit fractions and unit fractions by whole numbers. (Random) (4.A) Algebraic reasoning. Identify prime and composite numbers; (Random) (4.B) Algebraic reasoning. Represent and solve multi-step problems involving the four operations with whole numbers using equations with a letter standing for the unknown quantity; (Random) (4.C) Algebraic reasoning. Generate a numerical pattern when given a rule in the form y = ax or y = x + a and graph; (Random) (4.D) Algebraic reasoning. Recognize the difference between additive and multiplicative numerical patterns given in a table or graph; (Random) (4.E) Algebraic reasoning. Describe the meaning of parentheses and brackets in a numeric expression; (Random) (4.F) Algebraic reasoning. Simplify numerical expressions that do not involve exponents, including up to two levels of grouping;

(Random) (4.G) Algebraic reasoning. Use concrete objects and pictorial models to develop the formulas for the volume of a rectangular prism, including the special form for a cube (V = l x w x h, V = s x s x s, and V = Bh); (Random) (4.H) Algebraic reasoning. Represent and solve problems related to perimeter and/or area and related to volume. (Random) (5) Geometry and measurement. The student applies mathematical process standards to classify two-dimensional figures by attributes and properties. The student is expected to classify two-dimensional figures in a hierarchy of sets and subsets using graphic organizers based on their attributes and properties. (Random) (6.A) Geometry and measurement. Recognize a cube with side length of one unit as a unit cube having one cubic unit of volume and the volume of a three-dimensional figure as the number of unit cubes (n cubic units) needed to fill it with no gaps or overlaps if possible; (Random) (6.B) Geometry and measurement. Determine the volume of a rectangular prism with whole number side lengths in problems related to the number of layers times the number of unit cubes in the area of the base. (Random) (7) Geometry and measurement. The student applies mathematical process standards to select appropriate units, strategies, and tools to solve problems involving measurement. The student is expected to solve problems by calculating conversions within a measurement system, customary or metric. (Random) (8.A) Geometry and measurement. Describe the key attributes of the coordinate plane, including perpendicular number lines (axes) where the intersection (origin) of the two lines coincides with zero on each number line and the given point (0, 0); the x-coordinate, the first number in an ordered pair, indicates movement parallel to the x-axis starting at the origin; and the y-coordinate, the second number, indicates movement parallel to the y-axis starting at the origin; (Random) (8.B) Geometry and measurement. Describe the process for graphing ordered pairs of numbers in the first quadrant of the coordinate plane; (Random) (8.C) Geometry and measurement. Graph in the first quadrant of the coordinate plane ordered pairs of numbers arising from mathematical and real-world problems, including those generated by number patterns or found in an input-output table. (Random) (9.A) Data analysis. Represent categorical data with bar graphs or frequency tables and numerical data, including data sets of measurements in fractions or decimals, with dot plots or stem-and-leaf plots; (Random) (9.B) Data analysis. Represent discrete paired data on a scatterplot; (Random) (9.C) Data analysis. Solve one- and two-step problems using data from a frequency table, dot plot, bar graph, stem-and-leaf plot, or scatterplot. (Random) (10.A) Personal financial literacy. Define income tax, payroll tax, sales tax, and property tax; (Random) (10.B) Personal financial literacy. Explain the difference between gross income and net income; (Random) (10.C) Personal financial literacy. Identify the advantages and disadvantages of different methods of payment, including check, credit card, debit card, and electronic payments; (Random) (10.D) Personal financial literacy. Develop a system for keeping and using financial records; (Random) (10.E) Personal financial literacy. Describe actions that might be taken to balance a budget when expenses exceed income; (Random) (10.F) Personal financial literacy. Balance a simple budget.

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