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Texas TEKS Precalculus
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(Random) (2.A) Functions. Use the composition of two functions to model and solve real-world problems;

(Random) (2.B) Functions. Demonstrate that function composition is not always commutative; (Random) (2.C) Functions. Represent a given function as a composite function of two or more functions; (Random) (2.D) Functions. Describe symmetry of graphs of even and odd functions; (Random) (2.E) Functions. Determine an inverse function, when it exists, for a given function over its domain or a subset of its domain and represent the inverse using multiple representations; (Random) (2.F) Functions. Graph exponential, logarithmic, rational, polynomial, power, trigonometric, inverse trigonometric, and piecewise defined functions, including step functions; (Random) (2.G) Functions. Graph functions, including exponential, logarithmic, sine, cosine, rational, polynomial, and power functions and their transformations, including af(x), f(x) + d, f(x - c), f(bx) for specific values of a, b, c, and d, in mathematical and real-world problems; (Random) (2.H) Functions. Graph arcsin x and arccos x and describe the limitations on the domain; (Random) (2.I) Functions. Determine and analyze the key features of exponential, logarithmic, rational, polynomial, power, trigonometric, inverse trigonometric, and piecewise defined functions, including step functions such as domain, range, symmetry, relative maximum, relative minimum, zeros, asymptotes, and intervals over which the function is increasing or decreasing; (Random) (2.J) Functions. Analyze and describe end behavior of functions, including exponential, logarithmic, rational, polynomial, and power functions, using infinity notation to communicate this characteristic in mathematical and real-world problems; (Random) (2.K) Functions. Analyze characteristics of rational functions and the behavior of the function around the asymptotes, including horizontal, vertical, and oblique asymptotes; (Random) (2.L) Functions. Determine various types of discontinuities in the interval (-∞, ∞) as they relate to functions and explore the limitations of the graphing calculator as it relates to the behavior of the function around discontinuities; (Random) (2.M) Functions. Describe the left-sided behavior and the right-sided behavior of the graph of a function around discontinuities; (Random) (2.N) Functions. Analyze situations modeled by functions, including exponential, logarithmic, rational, polynomial, and power functions, to solve real-world problems; (Random) (2.O) Functions. Develop and use a sinusoidal function that models a situation in mathematical and real-world problems; and (Random) (2.P) Functions. Determine the values of the trigonometric functions at the special angles and relate them in mathematical and real-world problems. (Random) (3.A) Relations and Geometric Resoning. Graph a set of parametric equations; (Random) (3.B) Relations and Geometric Resoning. Convert parametric equations into rectangular relations and convert rectangular relations into parametric equations; (Random) (3.C) Relations and Geometric Resoning. Use parametric equations to model and solve mathematical and real-world problems; (Random) (3.D) Relations and Geometric Resoning. Graph points in the polar coordinate system and convert between rectangular coordinates and polar coordinates; (Random) (3.E) Relations and Geometric Resoning. Graph polar equations by plotting points and using technology;
(Random) (3.F) Relations and Geometric Resoning. Determine the conic section formed when a plane intersects a double-napped cone; (Random) (3.G) Relations and Geometric Resoning. Make connections between the locus definition of conic sections and their equations in rectangular coordinates; (Random) (3.H) Relations and Geometric Resoning. Use the characteristics of an ellipse to write the equation of an ellipse with center (h, k); and (Random) (3.I) Relations and Geometric Resoning. Use the characteristics of a hyperbola to write the equation of a hyperbola with center (h, k). (Random) (4.A) Number and Measure. Determine the relationship between the unit circle and the definition of a periodic function to evaluate trigonometric functions in mathematical and real-world problems; (Random) (4.B) Number and Measure. Describe the relationship between degree and radian measure on the unit circle; (Random) (4.C) Number and Measure. Represent angles in radians or degrees based on the concept of rotation and find the measure of reference angles and angles in standard position; (Random) (4.D) Number and Measure. Represent angles in radians or degrees based on the concept of rotation in mathematical and real-world problems, including linear and angular velocity; (Random) (4.E) Number and Measure. Determine the value of trigonometric ratios of angles and solve problems involving trigonometric ratios in mathematical and real-world problems; (Random) (4.F) Number and Measure. Use trigonometry in mathematical and real-world problems, including directional bearing; (Random) (4.G) Number and Measure. Use the Law of Sines in mathematical and real-world problems; (Random) (4.H) Number and Measure. Use the Law of Cosines in mathematical and real-world problems; (Random) (4.I) Number and Measure. Use vectors to model situations involving magnitude and direction; (Random) (4.J) Number and Measure. Represent the addition of vectors and the multiplication of a vector by a scalar geometrically and symbolically; and (Random) (4.K) Number and Measure. Apply vector addition and multiplication of a vector by a scalar in mathematical and real-world problems. (Random) (5.A) Algebraic Reasoning. Evaluate finite sums and geometric series, when possible, written in sigma notation; (Random) (5.B) Algebraic Reasoning. Represent arithmetic sequences and geometric sequences using recursive formulas; (Random) (5.C) Algebraic Reasoning. Calculate the nth term and the nth partial sum of an arithmetic series in mathematical and real-world problems; (Random) (5.D) Algebraic Reasoning. Represent arithmetic series and geometric series using sigma notation; (Random) (5.E) Algebraic Reasoning. Calculate the nth term of a geometric series, the nth partial sum of a geometric series, and sum of an infinite geometric series when it exists; (Random) (5.F) Algebraic Reasoning. Apply the Binomial Theorem for the expansion of (a + b)n in powers of a and b for a positive integer n, where a and b are any numbers; (Random) (5.G) Algebraic Reasoning. Use the properties of logarithms to evaluate or transform logarithmic expressions; (Random) (5.H) Algebraic Reasoning. Generate and solve logarithmic equations in mathematical and real-world problems; (Random) (5.I) Algebraic Reasoning. Generate and solve exponential equations in mathematical and real-world problems; (Random) (5.J) Algebraic Reasoning. Solve polynomial equations with real coefficients by applying a variety of techniques in mathematical and real-world problems; (Random) (5.K) Algebraic Reasoning. Solve polynomial inequalities with real coefficients by applying a variety of techniques and write the solution set of the polynomial inequality in interval notation in mathematical and real-world problems; (Random) (5.L) Algebraic Reasoning. Solve rational inequalities with real coefficients by applying a variety of techniques and write the solution set of the rational inequality in interval notation in mathematical and real-world problems; (Random) (5.M) Algebraic Reasoning. Use trigonometric identities such as reciprocal, quotient, Pythagorean, cofunctions, even/odd, and sum and difference identities for cosine and sine to simplify trigonometric expressions; and (Random) (5.N) Algebraic Reasoning. Generate and solve trigonometric equations in mathematical and real-world problems.

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